15 July 2007

I Never Thought I'd Say This . . .

I've always been a bit doggedly loyal to this island of ours, always argued that the criticisms about Tasmania were all the more reason that people like us (amorphous, thinking, creative, active bunch) should stick around.

But recently, I have found myself thinking, and I shock myself with how serious I am, that if a pulp mill is built in the Tamar River Valley, I will be gone. I won't stay. I physically could not bear the disappointment of watching a community having to get on with their lives after being so fucked over by the big fish in town. It's suddenly not (just) about air and water and good looking trees, it's about democracy and how we don't live in one in this state.

May they leap from the frying pan and into the fire. amen to that.


Mrs Smith said...

i hear you sister and we might be flying out on the same plane as you.

I don't remember voting for "mr.Gunns"

It makes me ill to my guts.


Gillian Marsden said...

but then I think, don't let the bastards win by creating a ghost town . . . complete with lingering spirites playing stringed instruments . . . all that


nicfit said...

i don't normally say "amen", but...
amen to that!

Anonymous said...

The old pulp mill. Jobs and progress.

The only good thing is that when the Tamar looks like the sea around Burnie used to there'll hopefully a big enough backlash to effect positive change.

Democracy? Plutocracy more like it. Kleptocracy.