3 June 2010

Dismantling is good for you

How funny, how unusual, and yet so pertinent:

I signed myself out of the 'dash' and then, this immediate internal voice, 'no no no, I have more to say, I have things to tell, the light is dipping over the valley, and I love this sunroom that is not mine, I love being a visitor in my childhood home, and this morning was an anger all confused and undirected and then I set to the garden with a pick axe, the pitch fork, the secateurs, the saw, my hands, and I dismantled! The main project was an old and filthy mirror bush that draped and slunk and was quite huge. So we took it out. It was heavy, dicey, brutal work and at the end, it felt as if we were unravelling a very complicated knot of old energy. Now, we open the back door and are startled by all the light in the backgarden, by the sharp edges of the studios, by the spaciousness. It's wonderful. I adore this kind of work. It feels healthy. Brain healthy. Cleansing. Brain cleansing. So I feel good now. I feel really good. When you are fulfilled by so little, life is pretty bloody satisfying!'

1 comment:

Mrs Smith said...

Write on my friend! Right on!