22 September 2006

More Tonic

Wine Water

I shared a bed. Some man came and said

he hadn't slept all his life. I gave him some of my night

hours without

even thinking. Wish someone would have warned me.

Now I dream a man's blue-

shaven visions. I can't tell if I'm a woman

or a man in the dreams, but it doesn't matter.

What happens when they mix:

soil, Sister. That's all we've

become. Man plus Woman equals

Ditch Dirt. And this is supposed to be beautiful,

the strongest tonic.

Stephanie N. Johnson

/Beloit Poetry Journal/

Volume 57, Number 1

Fall 2006


Anonymous said...

playing the field then....

Mrs Smith said...

i love the word tonic.

man and woman is tonic for me. i hear what she is saying but for me it is not ditch dirt. its holding hands through hell and heaven. it's tonic.

i do wish he would pick up his wet towels though ...

Gillian Marsden said...

i like your point
i crave your point at times
i know that the ditchdirt stuff happens
but dirt can be washed
with various substances, lotions, potions, and gin